2012년 3월 26일 월요일


Recently, we, students who take English Composition class from Mr. Garrioch, got an assignment to write a story that is depicted in three different perspectives.

After getting this assignment, I really had to think deeply about the situation of the story that I'm going to write about which should be possible to be described in three different perspectives.

Love triangle was the first thing that I thought of, but that really seemed dull. Furthermore, I didn't have the confidence to write a masterpiece that could shake up the previous works  done about this topic. I was also so shy.

So, this is what I finally brought as the summary of my story. I'm going to write about a man who has a cancer and inevitably has to face his death. He can only live up to 5 days at maximum. The doctor of this guy knows this fact but hides this from the patient, because counting D-day to die would be disastrous to him. He but then tells this fact to the family of this patient, because they at least have to prepare for his death and his funeral.

I'll write the perspectives from this three characters, the patient, the doctor, and the family member (probably wife). However, if this was all, it would be banal, having no difference from other people. So, I'll use a twist; the patient knew that he was going to die after all!

So, the order of my story will go like this. First, it will be written in the perspective of the doctor as the third-person narrative form. Doctor will tell the family of the patient that 'bad news', will eventually see the grief in this family. He then will have to face a dilemma whether he have to tell his patient this news or not.

A family member of the patient (probably wife), will at first be shocked. She(/he) will then cluster one's mind and tries to act normally. Smiling in front of this patient and planning what they will going to do after the one recovers will burden this one a lot.

Twist will happen at here, when the story starts to be described in the perspective of the patient in first person narrative form. He accidentally had heard what the doctor said to his family member. First he will get upset, couldn't accept his destiny, but as soon as he sees his family members trying to ensure him by acting normal, he feels great gratitude and feel sorry to his family for leaving them so soon. He until the end hides the fact that he actually knows his death, because he thinks that this is what they want and is what it should be.

댓글 4개:

  1. Wow! I like the story line and your creativity~ I'll be willing to read your final product. ^^

  2. Thank you Dennis! You always visit other students' blogs and leave a nice comment. Your comment really encourages me! :)

  3. A lot of my comments aren't necessarily nice, I'm just very honest to the person! If I liked it I tell them I did, if there's more to construct I tell them so. :D

  4. Well at least you give some attentions to other people's work! Whether you give criticism or nice comment, you are actually investing your time to read others' works. THAT IS AWESOME. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
