2011년 9월 20일 화요일

Structural Violence in Education is Killing Everyone!

Movie <Three Idiots>. For more information, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_Idiots

   In the movie <Three Idiots>, there comes out the scene where Rancho (protagonist) asks about the gender of the baby of his girlfriend's sister. He gets answer as, "the baby is an engineer." The engineer simply means that the baby is a male. On the film it says that because parents in India want their son to be an engineer and their daughter to be a doctor, people alludes their baby's gender by saying the one is "engineer" or "doctor". Throughout the running time, the movie depicts on the enforcement of parents about their sons' life. Since many Indians are poor and engineering is a job that can bring relatively big money, it hits Indians' mind and results eager desire of Indians to force their sons to get education about engineering. It happens similarly in all over the world. The school education system, which is located between parents and children, function as the assailant of structural violence and the victim of structural violence at the same time.
   Before I go on to my reasons, I feel necessity of giving a definition of structural violence. Structural violence, according to context.org by Robert Gilman, is a physical and psychological harm that results from unjust social, political and economic systems. In other words, structural violence is referred to as a harm that comes from the society. So by mean school gets structural violence and gives structural violence to students, it is saying that school is receiving a violence from the society and is giving a violence to students.
   First, the school education system receives the structural violence in the relationship with parents. In other words, the school education system becomes victim of structural violence when with parents. Parents are the representation and reflection of the society. Society requires people to have different jobs. Some jobs are more important while other jobs are less important. Depending on the job's importance on the society, people get different payments. People of course wants to get a job with higher payment. Their spirit goes down same to the education of their sons. In order to meet those desires, students have to be ranked in order to diversify the range to differentiate jobs. School education is thus forced to be the place for the competition. Need for rank and competition by parents and society drives the school education system to go far away from creativity.
    Second, the school education system, which was the victim in relationship with parents and society, now works as an assailant in relationship with students. Because school education is forced to be competitive, school has to grade the achievement of understanding of the students about subjects. School education is thus forced to be objective, having no space for creativity. To be objective about grade, school rather focuses more on the accuracy of the fact, rather than students' opinions in individuals.
    To sum up, the school education system is the assailant of structural violence and the victim of structural violence at the same time. We can't really criticize schools for doing so, since the problems about killing students' creativity relies fundamentally on the structural violence that society has harmed schools. Therefore, in order for schools to encourage students to have creativity, society itself must be changed. That is, our preference about the particular job based on high payment should be adjusted to change the school education system.

댓글 1개:

  1. I like the new info you inject - structural violence and Three Idiots do apply. However, some relation to Robinson's ideas is required, and you don't really respond to them directly. All in all, some very nice creative arguments.
