2012년 3월 26일 월요일

The Movie Pitch of "Regret"

The Movie Pitch of “Regret”

Christian Joseph, who is now a divorcee, walks into his apartment. Through the window, he sees the colorless world; a city of grey. He, standing in the middle of the living room and watching the grayish sunset, takes out his 9mm pistol from the right pocket of his trench coat. He then brings the mouth of his pistol to his head. His pistol, shaking eagerly to eat his head, approaches slowly and steadily to his head, inch-by-inch. Now only 4 inches left, his pistol stops but still shaking. His forefinger now fumbles to search for the trigger, and when it finally touches, it firmly twines the trigger. After few seconds, his forefinger pulls the trigger. The bullet moves forward to Joseph’s head, but gradually time slows down and so does the bullet. When the bullet finally touches Joseph’s head, it stops. All becomes dark at sudden.
He, frustrated by the unexpected situation, tries to move, but his effort is vain. Somehow his consciousness thinks of situation as a lock in a door. And when he thinks of the image of ‘key’, all becomes white at sudden.
When his eyes finally adapts to the light, he is floating in the ceiling of a room in the hospital. There he sees the doctors and the nurses all standing around a women, who tries to give birth to her little baby. Along the doctors, he sees a familiar face; his dad. He now realizes that this is the moment of his birth. He is then sucked into the flesh of baby, and all becomes dark again.
When he blinks his eye, he is now 17 years old, standing in the aisle of his high school. There he sees his first-love, but she is in blurred image. All, even the color of tile, is lucid but her face is dim. He then acts as he did in the past: being so shy to confront her. He always tries to see her face but when the chance comes and she looks at him, he turns his head.
When he blinks again, he now is in the cafeteria with a girl who later becomes his wife. He then enjoys wonderful time dating with her. Everything seems so bright when he is with her.
A sheet of paper slapping his face, he blinks his eyes again. At first he doesn’t realize what is going on, but not long after, he realizes that it’s the time of his divorce. He and his wife now have married and have a daughter and a son. They had a wonderful time until his business went wrong and they are on the huge debt. Sick of paying debts penny-by-penny and hiding from creditors, his wife finally declare a divorce. He is astonished and frustrated. With his eyes out of focus, he signs the sheet and leaves the house.
Finally it comes to the present where he enters his apartment. He grabs the knob of the door. Before he turns the knob, he once again thinks of his life. He now regrets his attempt to suicide. But this regret was the ‘key’ to his door. He tries to change his destiny, but he still turns the knob and goes into his apartment. Being irresistible, his face is now distorted by the fear and the regret. But still he can’t change anything. He takes out his gun and aim at his head. He yells but it’s no use. It only echoes in his mind. His forefinger now grabs and pulls the trigger. This time, time doesn’t slow down. The bullet finally penetrates his head.
By the reaction of the gun, he falls to the left. Then he looks at the window again. Everything becomes colorful, and there he sees the red sunset burning the sky with zeal.

All rights reserved to Paul Junsuk Lee

For more information, please contact Paul Junsuk Lee by paul2202@naver.com or 010-5191-7672

댓글 8개:

  1. Three things I like:

    1. I love the strong images. Descriptive, poetic, and something I'd love to see on the big screen. Very "art film" and somewhat European at first glance.

    2. I like the idea, and the structure of events. It's visually interesting with a beginning middle and end that probably satisfies most audiences.

    3. It's kind of scary, touching, and emotionally challenging all at the same time. Lots to explore IF you actually wrote it for a year.

    Things to Improve:

    1. A lot of the above things I like are also things that most producers would criticize. Is this a Hollywood film? At the moment it is a French film, and probably not a very long one without much dialogue. Not a bad thing at all, but Michael Bay won't touch it.

    2. The synopsis doesn't really show a Hero's Journey yet, and I'd like to know more about the character. What does he need? What does he want? What kind of film is this?

    3. The synopsis is well written, but could use more specifics about who this guy is, and where things happen etc. Right now it seems like a short art film.

  2. Cool! This was a strange, surreal little story. Have you by any chance read Stephen King's short story "That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is In French"? King himself once said that his idea of hell is endless repetition, and the final scene of the man desperately flailing to escape his bad decision is rather chilling. I love it...although I could be interpreting this too much from the dark side.

  3. Three things that I like about this pitch:
    1) Really nice device used to show the kind of life that Christian has lived. I think the pitch as a whole is quite creative.
    2) Also kind and descriptive showing of the kind of video techniques that will be expressed in the movie.
    3) Hmph.. What else? Just cool pitch as a whole.

    Three things to improve:
    1) When the baby was born, you said that Christian was "absorbed in" to the baby's body But when Christian is opening the door for committing suicide, there is an another version of Christian that is yelling to stop. Am I the only one confused here?
    2) Also, there is no specific mention about the kinds of devices that you would use to emphasize the thorough theme of "key" and "lock." You could specify here.
    3) The all rights reserved...lollollollollollollollollollollollollollol

  4. >> I like
    1. The fact that this turns from black and white to color. Reminds me of Wizard of Oz.
    2. The structure.

    1. maybe show womething other than his love-life? The sudden regret kinda needs more groundwork, I think.
    2. I can't really see this as a long film. Maybe more details about the film?

    I'm just wondering, why did you name the character Christian Joseph?

  5. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  6. Things I liked

    1. How the city is grey at the begining when he is not aware about the
    values in life that make him not want to commit suicide in the end making the
    world colorful.

    2. The artistic features of his pitch. Floating, door, key, bullet.

    3 things to improve

    1. if life passes every time he blinks, wouldn't every moment of his life
    go by too quickly?

    2. I don't see how he changes his mind not to commit suicide.

    3. If he ends up dieing at the end failing to change his fate,
    what is the significance of his trip through his past?

  7. I'm not really sure what this is for but I really really like this story. Is it a story plot line that you've made all by yourself? I've read your previous posts and I could definitely tell that this is one of your superior works compared to the others. About a man committing suicide and sees his very life flash through his eyes... very interesting!

  8. Thank you again Dennis! This is actually an assignment in Mr. Garrioch's IR class. We write movie pitches which is basically a brief summary of the movie you would give to movie directors in order to get picked and made into a movie. So glad you liked it! :)
